Tue Apr 26 2022
Why You Need More Than Antivirus to Defend Against The Cyberthreats Today?

Cyber-attacks and data breaches have become increasingly ubiquitous in recent years. Now more than ever, having cybersecurity tools such as antivirus software installed on your device is important. But the cyber-threat landscape is rapidly evolving and as a result, confidence in traditional antivirus is abating. In this article, we look at why anti-viruses alone are not enough to secure your devices and what you can do to protect your data and identity.
Too Many Threats
In the early days of the internet, the computer was the only source of cyber risk. Back then, antivirus software was more than capable of providing adequate protection. But things have changed drastically over the years. Digital threats have become increasingly complex nowadays, we are not only dealing with less sophisticated versions of malware like Trojan horses or worms like a decade ago.
The explosion of advanced malware and other sophisticated threats over the past few years calls for a layered approach to cybersecurity. There are just too many threats to defend against. Here are the major cyber risks facing the public in 2020.
AI-Enhanced Cyber-threats
Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly attracting the attention of cyber-criminals. Hackers are using intelligent technologies to scan for system vulnerabilities and develop new, more efficient threats ranging from malware to phishing attacks. Intelligent technologies allow hackers to launch complex and adaptive cyber-attacks.
The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to a series of connected and interconnected devices that communicate with each other. Any ‘smart’ device with an internet connection is part of the IoT ecosystem. IoT presents unprecedented cybersecurity challenges. IoT devices are full of vulnerabilities and attack surfaces that cyber-criminals could exploit.
Phishing is one of the oldest data theft strategies out there. Phishing uses deceptive emails to trick people into sharing sensitive data. Despite awareness about phishing as cyber-threat, hackers continue to use this tactic due to its sheer effectiveness. Phishing attacks are becoming even more sophisticated and are moving more towards gaming platforms, social media, and text messaging.
Protecting Yourself
There are more connected devices than ever before, and cyber-criminals are looking to take advantage of that. These online crooks are designing more advanced cyber-threats, putting your personal information at great risk. Below, we look at effective security tools to protect yourself from these risks.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the most effective tools when it comes to protecting yourself against online threats. Masking your IP address and encrypting your web traffic are some of the primary functions of VPNs which, in turn, help you create a secure internet connection. You don’t have to worry about someone snooping on you online when using a VPN.
Email Security
Phishing is the leading cause of data breaches in the world, according to the 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon. Cyber-criminals prefer phishing emails because they are effective and require little investment. Email tools can identify and block phishing emails as well as prevent transmission of data to external sources.
Vulnerability Scanner
A vulnerability scanner is another vital security tool to have in your defence strategy. A vulnerability scanner helps you scan for weaknesses in your system and take the necessary security measures. This tool helps you ensure that your computer is protected at all times.
Thanks to recent advancements in technology, our lives have become highly digitized. We do almost everything online using our smartphones, tablets, and PCs which puts personal information such as passwords, banking details, social security number, etc. at risk of being stolen by hackers. Traditional antivirus does not offer enough protection against today’s advanced threats. While having antivirus software is important, we need to do more to protect ourselves online.