Tue Jul 10 2018

What you can do with the help of Golang?

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Nice things you can do with Golang

Golang is the open-source programming language created in-house at Google in 2009 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Eight years ago, the Go team introduced goinstall and with it the decentralized, URL-like import paths that Go developers are familiar with today. The Go community created many tools with different approaches, each one helped us all to better understand the problems. In this article, we will discuss what you can do with Golang.

Generally, Go is great for any project requiring simplicity and performance however it also has some powerful and specific benefits.

Static code analysis

Go heavily relies on static code analysis. Examples include godoc for documentation, gofmt for code formatting, golint for code style linting, and many others. Static code analysis isn’t actually something new to modern programming, but Go sort of brings it to the absolute. Also, it gives you a feeling of safety, as though someone is covering your back.

Command line apps

Golang tools are commonly implemented as stand-alone command line applications and integrate easily with any coding environment. You can write your own fast app for syncing and backing up your databases or file system or fast lookup tables.

Build your own analyzers

It’s very easy to create your own analyzers, as Go has dedicated built-in packages for parsing and working with Go sources.

Use for APIs

Go comes with a built-in testing tool designed for simplicity and efficiency. It provides you the simplest API possible and makes minimum assumptions. You can use it for different kinds of testing, profiling, and even to provide executable code examples.

Use Goroutines

Goroutines have growable segmented stacks. That means they will use more memory only when needed. It has a faster startup time than threads. It comes with built-in primitives to communicate safely between themselves (channels). Goroutines allow you to avoid having to resort to mutex locking when sharing data structures. Also, goroutines and OS threads do not have 1:1 mapping. A single goroutine can run on multiple threads. Goroutines are multiplexed into the small number of OS threads.

Web development

Now Golang is a great alternative to Python, and in some aspects, it’s even better. Go adapted best features of C++, Ruby, and Python itself, it works just great for web development. It has a simple syntax. Before Go appeared, Python had the reputation of being the easiest language. Now, Golang stole this title - because it’s so much simpler. If you are a beginning web developer, this factor is especially important. But even experienced devs appreciate Go’s simplicity a lot.

Improve SEO ranking

The speed of page load is very important for SEO rankings now, and Go is about twice times faster than other languages. Firstly, because it uses goroutines instead of traditional threads. You can spin millions of them at the same time. Secondly, because concurrency is built on the language level.

For microservices

When instead of developing one complex (monolithic) architecture, you break it into a bunch of microservices, designed to perform only one function. Microservices, designed with Golang, is easy to modify, debug, and test. You change one service without impact the entire functionality. You can quickly change the design and add new functions. It’s crucial to immediately add new technologies to tech solutions before the competition does it. With Go and microservices, it’s very easy to do. You take one service and redesign - it doesn’t impact the overall project as much as with monolithic architecture.

For server development

Go possesses two features that a good language for service development should have high speed and lightweight. If the server takes up much space, it burdens the product and considerably slows it down. Golang is very comfortable for the back-end. When you have to develop the backend for a mobile app, do it with Golang and Azure, and it’s, so far, the most efficient one.


Go is a fully garbage-collected language and in some languages, garbage collection can harm the speed of execution. However, Go’s team have worked on this. In Go 1.8, pauses for garbage collection are “usually under 100 microseconds and often as low as 10 microseconds.”

Cloud computing

Go was designed for server software and to solve “Google-sized problems,” creates a language particularly suited to cloud computing. This is one of the reasons projects such as Docker choose Go and also one of the reasons Go continues to grow in popularity as the cloud becomes increasingly dominant.

Build your own slack bot in Go

Slack bots are fun, useful and easy to write! Learn how you can write one yourself, in Go. You need to have a Slack account (with enough privileges to create a bot) and know a bit of Go.

For concurrency

First class support for concurrency in the language (through goroutines and channels, explained below). Concurrency, by its design, enables you to efficiently use your CPU horsepower. Even if your processor just has 1 core, concurrency design enables you to use that one core efficiently. That is why you can typically have hundreds of thousands of concurrent goroutines (lightweight threads) running on a single machine.

Using Math library

While using math library of Golang, you should be careful about types of arguments passed and type the operation results. For example for finding an Absolute value of a number, You need to pass a float64 number to the math. Abs function.

For cybersecurity

Golang uses what we call a “Garbage Collector” which greatly simplifies memory management for developers, significantly reducing error-proneness. Furthermore, this language considerably reduces errors in concurrency and blocking which often occur in parallel programs. These are examples of benefits that provide more solid and reliable solutions and that is a huge plus in cybersecurity.


You can develop server-side web applications, distributed apps and also docker. Whenever you need good performance for your application, go for Golang. Go will make your application super performant. Hope you liked this article, share your comments in the comment section. Thank you!

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