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What is Angular and why should your Business Consider it for Development?

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What is Angular and why should your Business Consider it for Development?

A company's online presence and customer experience are growing concerns of modern organizations. Angular is an appropriate framework loved by many web developers. According to Statista, AngularJS was 20.39% used by worldwide developers in 2022.

The front-end generation framework developed by Google has brought about a lot of changes in the process of creating and maintaining online applications. In this article, you will learn what Angular is, its key features, and why your business should consider using Angular development.

Understanding Angular

Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework that aims to develop interactive web apps and cross-platform mobile apps for free. Angular has been updated multiple times since its first release in 2010, and currently, the latest is version 12. Its powerful design, large toolset, and swift ecosystem are the main reasons it became famous.

Key features of Angular

It is designed with the component-based architecture of Angular as the program is split up into reusable and modular components. Consequently, the code becomes more reusable, easy to maintain, and scalable.

  1. Two-way data binding: Angular's two-way data binding provides synchronization between the model and the view, without human intervention. The view is automatically updated to mirror any model modifications, and it is also the other way around, which means there is no need for user intervention.
  2. Dependency injection: By injecting components rather than dependencies Angular’s dependency injection framework reduces testing difficulty and dependency management.
  3. Routing: Angular implements routing for creating single-page apps with many views. The user experience is enhanced because there is no need for the page to be refreshed as the user switches between components.
  4. Forms: For forms, Angular provides reliable features for both reactive and template-driven forms. These templates offer easy and rapid form design with their in-built validation and error-handling features.
  5. Directives: Developers use Angular directives to insert new features in HTML and create unique components and attributes of their own. As a result, the code becomes more legible and easier to maintain.
  6. HTTP client: Using Angular's inbuilt HTTP client module, sending asynchronous HTTP requests to servers becomes more comfortable. Among capabilities are the interception of requests and responses, the management of errors, and the support for observables.
  7. Cross-platform development: When you hire dedicated Angular developers proficient in Angular Universal and Angular NativeScript, they can significantly enhance cross-platform development initiatives. These developers possess the expertise to seamlessly integrate Angular Universal for server-side rendered web apps and Angular NativeScript for native mobile apps. By leveraging their skills, businesses can ensure efficient development processes and high-quality cross-platform applications.

Why choose Angular for your business?

Now that we’ve become familiar with Angular, let’s discuss why your business should consider using it for web development.

1. Productivity and efficiency

The creation of projects, code skeleton, and deployment automation are greatly facilitated by Angular's extensive toolchain, which includes the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface). The formation stage becomes more effective, and developers can devote more time to creating top-notch code rather than being concerned about boring and repetitive processes.

Moreover, developers can create scalable applications with little effort using Angular's component-based architecture, as this promotes code reusability. Along with accelerated development, this will also ensure that the software is well-maintained, thus reducing maintenance costs in the long term.

2. Enhanced user experience

To survive the difficult digital market, companies need to provide clients with memorable experiences. Powerful features of Angular allow developers to build appealing, convenient, and responsive web apps with features such as form validation, dynamic routing, and data binding that work in both ways.

On the other hand, the Angular Material libraries include pre-made UI elements and layouts that follow Google's Material Design standards. This ensures that the user experience is seamless regardless of the platforms and devices used, as the design remains uniform.

3. Community engagement and ecosystem

Developers, users, and contributors from every part of the world are bonded together in the Angular community to continually do better with new releases by giving one another suggestions, tips, and open-source libraries. To assist companies in accelerating the development process and overcoming issues, this robust environment offers a whole range of resources such as documentation, tutorials, forums, and third-party plugins.

Google, as a provider of support for Angular development services, guarantees its long-term viability and sustainability. The Angular continuous development investment of Google guarantees that the companies can rest assured of a stable and innovative technology stack for their web development projects.

4. SEO-friendly and accessibility

A webpage can be rendered on the server side with Angular Universal's server-side rendering feature, leading to optimization for search engines (SEO). This assumes that the content is properly indexed by search engine crawlers, which is essential for enhancing its visibility and ranking in SERPs.

Likewise, Angular follows every accessibility requirement online, thus, it is user-friendly. This makes the task of ensuring that Angular-built web apps are usable for those with disabilities, which in turn increases the inclusivity and the number of people who will use them.

5. Scalability and maintainability

The scalability of web applications is a must-have for enterprises that want to grow. These applications need to be scalable to handle more traffic and should also be flexible enough to cope with dynamic business requirements. Angular is an excellent choice for developing enterprise-level apps because of its scalable, modular design, and in-built dependency injection and code structure features.

The strong testing characteristics of Angular, such as unit testing and end-to-end testing support, ensure trustworthy and easily maintained codebases. In the long run, this is an aid to organizations to become competitive and sustainable as they can easily reconfigure and enhance their online apps.


The creation of innovative online apps for companies using Angular, a robust front-end framework, will be a valuable support. It is a good option for both small and large companies targeting different industries. It provides productivity-enhancing technologies, a good ecosystem, improved user experience, SEO friendliness, and scalability.

In the competitive digital environment of today, businesses might stay ahead of the competition, improve user experience, and shorten the time-to-market with the help of Angular for web development projects. Organizations then will have safe and sustainable growth due to the continuous updates and support from the Angular community and Google.

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