Sat Oct 15 2022

ReactJS and it’s usability

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ReactJS and it’s usability

ReactJS an incredibly useful JavaScript library that is used for build interactive user interfaces for web, mobile and desktop platforms. It's created by Jordan Walke, a Facebook engineer. It only has 5 years since its initial release, but currently, it becomes one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. Today, thousands of companies are using React, including big names such as Netflix and Airbnb. It has a strong foundation and large community behind it. You can create reusable UI components through ReactJS.

React helps to update the View for the user in MVC model but library lack of model and controller layers. It has the ability to perform well in SEO, Simpler JSX, Virtual DOM or powerful JavaScript library. It is one of the developer's choice to build dynamic & high traffic web applications. It delivers a very simple and efficient way to build component trees and that boasts a functional programming style where component definitions are declarative. Composing your app is similar to composing a JavaScript program from functions.

Now, here we are going to discuss it’s usability which will feel you confident in working with ReactJS and follow its modern trends. So, let’s start -

What can you do with React?

React encourages the reusable UI components, where data will change over time. Lots of people use React to the V in MVC model. It offering you a simpler programming model and better performance which helps you to design all the front-end part of your application. In a React project, the code for a component and its HTML are one .jsx unit. You can always tell how your component will render by looking at the source.

Why should you use the ReactJS?

It has incredible features that attract you to use it in every project. Here are some awesome features -

Rendering and components

React basically made of two parts that are components and render. When you create React app, the components are the pieces that contains your HTML code and what your user want to see, and an HTML document where all your components will be Rendered. Every component is a Class that you can instantiate. Means, your component can receive arguments that you can use to customize what’s shown in the application.

Easy to learn

Anyone with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can easily understand React while Angular and Ember are referred to as ‘Domain-specific Language’, implying that it is difficult to learn.

React’s Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is one of the best features of ReactJS. React create its own virtual DOM when your components are live. You gain in performance of your app because React calculates the changes that need to be made in the DOM beforehand and updates the DOM tree accordingly.

The real browsers are slow and hard to deal with the DOM API. So, you can see the Virtual DOM as a fake browser that is much faster.

Good for SEO

Angular and others encourage you to do things like render your page with PhantomJS and serve that to search engine crawlers. They do not search engine friendly because of heavy JavaScript applications which create a big problem. But, React allows you to run it on the server, and the virtual DOM will be returned to the browser as a regular SEO friendly web page.

Easier Javascript

You can mix HTML and JavaScript in React with the help of special syntax, called - JSX. Traditionally, you tend to separate HTML from Javascript, that leads to monolithic Javascript files containing all functionality. But, Reactjs break this convention and allows components to be easily nested in JSX which is an HTMLish syntax making everything easier to read.

Native feature

Native feature extends the reach of React from browsers to Android and iOS, and you can create Android and iOS apps using it.


Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications. It complements React's composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow. It's more of a pattern rather than a formal framework, and you can start using Flux immediately without a lot of new code. It made easier to handle state by tying everything into a single store and subscribe to it throughout the application.

Allows external libraries

React allows you to install external libraries to extend your application’s capability.

Hope you get sufficient knowledge from this article that can motivate you to learn & use ReactJS, also looks good to add a new library to your CV. Thank you!

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