Tue Jun 04 2024

List of Linux Package Managers and Their Utility

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List of Linux Package Managers and Their Utility

Linux, with its vast ecosystem of distributions (distros), provides various package managers that streamline software installation, updating, and removal. Each package manager has unique features and utilities tailored to specific distributions. Here, we explore some of the most popular Linux package managers and their utilities.

Understanding Package Manager

A package manager or package management system is a collection of software tools that automate the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a operating system in a consistent manner. This type of package manager deals with packages, distributions of software and data in archive files. They work closely with software repositories, binary repository managers, and app stores.

Packages generally contain metadata, such as the software's name, description of its purpose, version number, vendor, checksum, and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run properly. Upon installation, metadata is stored in a local package database. Package managers typically maintain a database of software dependencies and version information to prevent software mismatches and missing prerequisites. They are designed to eliminate the need for manual installs and updates. This can be particularly useful for operating systems which are based on Linux and other Unix-like systems. They are typically consisting hundreds of or even tens of thousands of distinct software packages.

Basic Tasks of a Package Manger:

  • Package Discovery: Search for desired software packages.
  • Dependency Management: Automatically download and install any additional software packages required for the program to function correctly.
  • Package Installation: Download, verify and install the software package on the system.
  • Package Removal: Uninstall software packages and any associated dependencies that are no longer needed.
  • Package Updates: Keep your software up-to-date with security patches and bug fixes.

In the early days of Linux, programs were only distributed as source code, along with the required man pages, the necessary configuration files, and more. Nowadays, most Linux distributors use by default pre-built programs or sets of programs called packages, which are presented to users ready for installation on that distribution. Let's explore the list of most popular Linux package managers.

1. APT (Advanced Package Tool)

Utility: APT is a high-level default package manager for Debian-based distributions, including Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Pop!_OS. It simplifies software management, handles dependencies, and ensures system stability.

Key Commands:

  • sudo apt update: Updates the list of available packages and their versions.
  • sudo apt upgrade: Upgrades all installed packages to the latest versions.
  • sudo apt install [package-name]: Installs a specific package.
  • sudo apt remove [package-name]: Removes a specific package.


Utility: Part of the APT system, apt-get is a lower-level command-line tool for managing packages. While APT provides more user-friendly commands, apt-get offers more granular control.

Key Commands:

  • sudo apt-get update: Updates the package index.
  • sudo apt-get upgrade: Upgrades all installed packages.
  • sudo apt-get install [package-name]: Installs a specific package.
  • sudo apt-get remove [package-name]: Removes a specific package.

3. RPM (RPM Package Manager)

Utility: RPM is the package management system used by Linux Standard Base (LSB) - compliant distributions like Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS. It is the backend for tools like YUM and DNF.

Key Commands:

  • rpm -i [package-name].rpm: Installs a specific RPM package.
  • rpm -e [package-name]: Removes a specific RPM package.
  • rpm -U [package-name].rpm: Upgrades a specific RPM package.

4. DNF (Dandified Yum)

Utility: DNF is the package manager for RPM-based distributions such as Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It succeeds YUM, offering improved performance and better dependency management.

Key Commands:

  • sudo dnf check-update: Checks for available package updates.
  • sudo dnf upgrade: Upgrades all packages to their latest versions.
  • sudo dnf install [package-name]: Installs a specific package.
  • sudo dnf remove [package-name]: Removes a specific package.

5. YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified)

Utility: YUM is the traditional package manager for RPM-based distributions like CentOS and older versions of Fedora and RHEL. While largely replaced by DNF, YUM is still used in some systems.

Key Commands:

  • sudo yum check-update: Checks for available package updates.
  • sudo yum update: Upgrades all packages to their latest versions.
  • sudo yum install [package-name]: Installs a specific package.
  • sudo yum remove [package-name]: Removes a specific package.

6. Pacman

Utility: Pacman is the package manager for Arch Linux and its derivatives like Manjaro. Known for its simplicity and speed, Pacman uses a straightforward syntax for package management. Pacman is intended for installing software from the Arch repository, but unable to install from third-party repositories.

Key Commands:

  • sudo pacman -Syu: Synchronizes the package database and updates the system.
  • sudo pacman -S [package-name]: Installs a specific package.
  • sudo pacman -R [package-name]: Removes a specific package.

7. Zypper

Utility: Zypper is the package manager for SUSE-based distributions such as openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise. It supports various package formats and provides advanced dependency resolution.

Key Commands:

  • sudo zypper refresh: Refreshes the repository list.
  • sudo zypper update: Updates all installed packages.
  • sudo zypper install [package-name]: Installs a specific package.
  • sudo zypper remove [package-name]: Removes a specific package.

8. Portage

Utility: Portage is the package manager for Gentoo Linux. Unlike binary package managers, Portage compiles software from source, allowing extensive customization and optimization.

Key Commands:

  • sudo emerge --sync: Syncs the Portage tree with the main repository.
  • sudo emerge [package-name]: Installs or updates a specific package.
  • sudo emerge --depclean: Removes unnecessary dependencies.

9. Snap

Utility: Snap is a universal package manager developed by Canonical, the creators of Ubuntu. It allows the installation of Snap packages, which are containerized and work across various Linux distributions.

Key Commands:

  • sudo snap install [package-name]: Installs a Snap package.
  • sudo snap remove [package-name]: Removes a Snap package.
  • sudo snap refresh: Updates all installed Snap packages.

10. Flatpak

Utility: Flatpak is another universal package manager designed for sandboxed applications. It allows for the distribution and running of applications on various Linux distributions without compatibility issues.

Key Commands:

  • flatpak install [remote] [package-name]: Installs a Flatpak package.
  • flatpak remove [package-name]: Removes a Flatpak package.
  • flatpak update: Updates all installed Flatpak packages.

11. Nix

Utility: Nix is a powerful package manager for the NixOS Linux distribution but can also be used on other Linux distributions. It provides atomic upgrades and rollbacks, among other advanced features.

Key Commands:

  • nix-env -i [package-name]: Installs a package in the user environment.
  • nix-env -e [package-name]: Removes a package from the user environment.
  • nix-channel --update: Updates the list of available packages.

12. Homebrew (Linuxbrew)

Utility: Originally developed for macOS, Homebrew has a Linux version called Linuxbrew. It simplifies the installation of software by compiling packages from source.

Key Commands:

  • brew install [package-name]: Installs a specific package.
  • brew uninstall [package-name]: Uninstalls a specific package.
  • brew update: Updates the list of available packages.

Choosing the Right Package Manager: It Depends on Your Distribution

The package manager you'll encounter depends on your Linux distribution. However, understanding the functionalities offered by dpkg/APT, Yum/DNF, Zypper, and Pacman equips you with the knowledge to navigate package management effectively across various Linux systems.


Linux package managers are essential tools that streamline software management, ensuring easy installation, updates, and removals while handling dependencies to maintain system stability. Whether you're using a Debian-based, RPM-based, or source-based distribution, there's a package manager tailored to meet your needs. Understanding the utilities and commands of these package managers can significantly enhance your Linux experience and efficiency.

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