Thu Feb 21 2019
How to create a perfect e-commerce product page?

Search engine optimization is important for e-commerce businesses like no other. And it all comes down to product pages. If your product pages are not optimized, all your effort will go in vain. Here is how you can create the perfect product page for your e-commerce website.
Use great professional product photography
Great product photography compels people. It shows how much effort was put into creating that product page and the business itself. However, not all businesses understand the need of getting a professional photographer and editor. As an e-commerce website, your product photography won’t just be going on the website but on your social media and what not. Get your images straight and crisp. Make sure you add plagiarism free images to avoid copyrights issue in the future.
Use a professional product video
What works better than a product image is a product video. You want to make sure that it looks professional. And when we say professional, it does not mean that your product video has to be shot on a huge camera by a fancy videographer. What we mean is that it has look professional. You can even get the shots on your phone camera. Those are good enough. However, it comes down to your presentation. It comes down to how you choose to introduce the product and where you take it from there. This is your sales pitch. Use it right.
Have trust badges on your product pages
When people come to your product pages, what questions do they ask most often? They want to know if the products are trustable, secure and if they can be returned. You should not wait for your customers to ask you these questions. Incorporate these points in a bulleted list and create trust badges. You can place these badges on each one of your product page.
Have an SEO optimized title and meta description
The titles on your products should not be just catchy phrases but also optimized for search engines. When people are searching these products on Google, they should be able to view your products. Having optimized titles and meta description can have a ton of benefit on your sales. Add descriptions.
Have a clear price and order button
When people are viewing your product, they are looking forward to make a purchase. And you should be able to assist them in it. Add a clear price and call to action button. Be it an order now button or check out button, it should be clear and it should stand out on your product page.
Incorporate reviews
People want to hear about your products but not just from you. They want third party reviews. If your customer is adding reviews on your products, it helps the purchase of other customers. It shows that the products have been used by other people before and that the products are trustable. Make sure that you have got as many reviews as you can.
Have social share icon buttons on product pages
Having social share icon buttons will help you with your referral business. This means that you have people coming in who are interested in a product but they did also like to share it with someone. When you have these icons, it helps in bringing more sales.
Incorporate customer support
When you have an online customer support, it helps people’s questions in being answered very quickly. This is beneficial because a lot of people would move away from your website because they could not find answer to a particular question. Having a number or chat box will help assist in this process.