Mon Jul 04 2022

How to Choose a Technology Stack for Web Application Development

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How to Choose a Technology Stack for Web Application Development

As web applications become more complex, so does the job of a web developer. Before you even start working on any project, some basics have to be laid out. Representing the foundation stone of any larger web development project, these have to be taken into consideration. Taking your website or a web service far from the basic functionality provided by WordPress and WebFlow, these steps ensure that even the most versatile needs are met and satisfied.

Why is Tech Stack so Important?

Tech Stack is so important for a multitude of reasons. Going through the process in a neatly organized and coherent way increases your productivity and ensures that the web development process is a smooth one. Furthermore, taking into consideration Tech Stack first and then worrying about other aspects ensures that the web service has a good basis that is customized and adjusted to the needs of your client. Some technology trends in education, for example, demanded a complete rethinking of existing course-based websites. With no further ado, let’s consider how to choose the technology stack for a web development project:

  1. Operating System,
  2. Service Solutions,
  3. Databases and Storage,
  4. Hosting,
  5. HTML Solutions,
  6. CSS Solutions,
  7. UI, and
  8. UX

Operating System

The operating system to be used determines some of the functionalities that your web service will be able to provide later on. Windows and Linux are some common solutions. While Windows offers a higher grade of automation, Linux offers a higher adjustability rate and more power over the code itself.


Good server(s) ensure good communication between different components making up a system that your web service will be using. With a high volume of data to be transferred and a high need for reliability, high uptime, and security, investing in a good server solution or service is a must.

Databases and Storage

Commonly confused, databases and storage are, in fact, very different from one another. Databases include technical information and users’ credentials, while storage refers to the content that is stored on the website. Content can be composed of documents, pictures, videos, etc.


Hosting is yet another point to consider during web development. Hosting is a service that enables your website to be stored and made available on the Internet. A good hosting service includes an appropriate number of simultaneous users to be on the network, as well as a certain (usually high) limit to the site or service size. Without hosting, your service cannot be accessed by users and cannot be found by search engines.


HTML, the basic building block of any website, is a set of instructions telling your web browser how to display a certain page. It involves the invisible layer of the page and should be customized to different displays. Solutions such as WordPress and WebFlow simplify this step and demand very little technical knowledge.


CSS is the layer that the users can actually see. It is here that your styling information is added, and it is the first thing visitors encounter. A good CSS layout will consist of a unique color palette, adjusted buttons, and text styling. It will provide a good basis for interaction with the website and relies on a solid UI development team.

UI development

UI development means simply User Interface development. Far from simple styling, UI involves elements such as the funnel, the website map (general outlay), as well the sizing of different elements. Good UI will keep users on the website for longer and decrease the bounce rate.

UX development

User Experience (EX) development provides actual content and parses different data points to ensure that visitors have a good experience of the website. Content written by I Hate Writing would be considered a part of UX. Common elements used to improve user interface include breadcrumbs, reading and service/product suggestions, and much more.

Web Server

Final Remarks

A web development project is a never-ending job, especially as the standards and client needs happen all the time. More than a straightforward process, web development can be seen as a scram project, demanding a lot of instant changes. For this reason, choosing a reliable tech stack for web development is the most important step.

Joanne Elliot

Joanne Elliot is a passionate writer and Python expert. She loves its versatility of use and ability to crunch and understand data. When she has some free time on her hands, she loves to travel and read, especially during long winter nights.

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