Mon Sep 18 2023

A Guide to Leveraging Social Media Accounts for Business Growth

A Guide to Leveraging Social Media Accounts for Business Growth

You might be surprised at just how short an online buyer’s attention span is. For that reason, it’s vital that your online marketplace, e-catalog, etc. efficiently displays the product via images and text. In other words, you want the right balance of engagement to drive sales. A good digital asset management plan is an important step in the process, and when done correctly, loads quickly, improves the site ranking, and makes the e-commerce experience enjoyable for your target audience. The right digital asset management system works in the following ways.

Increase SEO Value

SEO, or search engine optimization, is important for business social media accounts because this is what drives traffic to your site by putting you at the top, or close to the top, when someone uses a search engine to look for a specific product or service. There are several factors that play a role in this process and being sure to address each of them increases your site’s SEO value.

  • Digital asset title - the right title for a product or service ensures that it comes up when a potential customer uses a search engine. Instead of using just a photo, adding a title dramatically increases SEO value, especially for stock photos that are usually denoted with a numerical title. Simply giving the image a title makes it easier to find in search engines. Further, a description to go with the title can enhance SEO value even more.
  • Descriptive alt tags and alt attributes - this replaces images if they don’t load. It’s an alternative way to guide a search engine to find the best results for a given search term. These are also great for users who use talk to text programs.
  • Image attributes, keywords and tags - this makes it easier to optimize organization in a DAM software program, which also makes it easier for a search engine to find them as well as matching images with descriptions for accurate discovery to match keywords and search terms.

Making Good Use of Original and Authentic Digital Assets

The biggest problem with using stock images as part of your digital assets arsenal is that they aren’t original to your brand and could be associated with other brands. If your goal is to be memorable and stand out, it makes sense that you’ll need original and authentic assets to go with your brand. This can also lead to copyright issues if you don’t attribute credit where credit is due.

Images are a great way to connect with your customers, so it makes sense that having unique photos associated with your brand creates authentic content that is memorable and easy to engage with. And as mentioned above, this saves you from dealing with copyright infringement mistakes that can cost you both money and credibility.

The best practice is to use a variety of digital assets for optimum customer engagement and to improve the chances of making a sale and building your customer base. Using DAM software is a great way to keep your digital assets organized so that everyone involved in content creation has access when necessary.

Use the Correct Digital Asset Dimensions and Format

It’s important to note that this might differ from brand to brand so be sure to choose dimensions and formats that work for yours. The most important reason for this is so that you don’t lose image quality across various devices, smartphone versus laptop, for example. At the same time, you’ll want to choose the lowest file size so that pages load as fast as possible.

Keep in mind that images that take too long to load may cause potential customers to leave your site before they’ve viewed your goods and services. Loading time also influences your page ranking on search engines, which can dramatically impact your e-commerce business. Here are some considerations:

Format - the three main formats are JPEG, PNG and WebP.

  • JPEG is great for storing and sending images without reducing the photo quality. It’s also convenient for everyday use.
  • PNG is your go-to for high-quality images, making it ideal for logos and trademarks. This method also prevents data loss during image compression.
  • WebP is best for reducing page loading times. It’s ideal if you are willing to sacrifice photo quality for faster speeds or speed for higher-quality images.

Dimensions - Getting the size of your images right is important. You don’t want huge images taking up a ton of space, but you want to stay away from tiny images that are too hard to see. The following considerations are those to keep in mind for driving engagement and traffic on your product pages.

  • Thumbnail sized dimensions
  • Three sixty spin photos
  • Clear lifestyle pictures
  • Product videos

Free Flowing and Adaptable Digital Assets

Adaptability is always important when you’re running a business, with the same being true for your digital assets. This means that your images should be resizable, based on the platform in which it’s being viewed. That means being well educated on the browsers, devices and applications you operate your brand on.

Using DAM software allows you to store and organize your digital assets, which makes it much more efficient to modify or alter them, as needed. Using a template also makes this process faster and easier, allowing for the adaptability that you’re seeking.

Use a Consistent Strategy to Test Your Digital Assets

If you want to drive traffic, it’s incredibly important that you test your digital assets. After all, you won’t know what’s working and what isn’t if you don’t see them in action. Testing the digital assets gives you the opportunity to modify dimensions, format, tags, attributes and other elements of SEO to drive your business to the top of the industry.

Using the tools available to you, such as organizing your digital assets on DAM software or buying existing social media accounts that already have a good following through FameSwap, ensures that you have the highest rankings possible. Make sure you test both image quality and loading time for the best success online.

Don’t take the easy road. Test each and every one of your pages on a consistent basis. Again, the right tools can streamline this process using a template so you can test each page without a lot of time and effort. Keep in mind that testing will be needed anytime you make changes to your website, including after utilizing customer feedback and if you alter your goods and services. Regular testing allows you to make changes when necessary to optimize engagement on your site.


To summarize, the following tips can help you optimize your digital assets so that you can get the most out of them when you set up social media accounts for your business.

  • Use only authentic and unique digital assets.
  • Enhance rankings by using all the image features - tags, attributes, description, title, etc.
  • Choose a format that best suits the needs of your business, while also controlling loading time.
  • Make sure your digital assets are the proper size and dimensions for quality and loading time.
  • Use DAM software to store and organize your digital assets.
  • Test your pages consistently to ensure a positive customer experience and to drive traffic and sales to your site.

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