Sat May 21 2022
5 Ways To Boost Security On Your E-commerce Platform

There are several benefits of owning an eCommerce platform, with increasing sales being the top on the list. However, with the rise of online and cyber fraud, every e-commerce owner should focus on fraud monitoring as the core of its prevention strategy.
Additionally, every business owner should be responsible for keeping their customers and business data safe. And it would be wise for you to cultivate and try adopting a security culture.
Follow the steps shown below to safeguard your eCommerce platform from data breaches and hackers.
Make use of secure e-commerce platform and web host
When people decide to select an eCommerce platform, they usually consider functionality, design range, and storefront-building convenience. However, it would be best if you let security features be the top of your priority.
Search for tested and trusted security solutions that would give your buyers and sellers solid authentication protocols, SSL certificates, and encrypted payment gateways.
As a business owner, you should think about the long-term usability of an eCommerce platform and how often security and update patches are added to ensure that you get long-lasting security service. Additionally, it would be best if you considered scalable eCommerce platforms capable of growing and accommodating your business's future needs.
Use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
It is now an industry standard for most websites to use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) for online security. However, websites that still use HTTP protocol might suffer unfavorable consequences and threats to their platform. Initially, HTTPS was used by businesses as a way only for payment gateways that dealt with companies' confidential information.
But with the rising online insecurity occurring in modern times, eCommerce businesses now have to shift their websites to HTTPS. This would secure the whole website and not just the payment page.
Use Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
Every eCommerce website should use secure socket layers as its standard security protocol. SSL helps businesses encrypt their data between the store their web server runs on and their client's web browser.
This means that whenever a client places an order on your platform, SSL ensures all data is kept private and just beyond the reach of hackers. Most modern eCommerce websites use this feature to simplify their security process.
Have a website monitor
Most eCommerce web hosting services usually have some monitoring features available to their customers as a basic package. However, even with this, you should not ignore the need for an excellent third-party website monitoring tool.
Moreover, experts at HPS Worldwide suggest that acquirers and issuers have to authorize and monitor their transactions in real-time that come from several channels and systems to alleviate payment fraud. And you can only do this by using an excellent third-party site monitor.
Adopt a strong password policy
A strong password can mitigate data breaches since they offer a high protection level. Additionally, strong passwords are pretty hard to break since they usually combine special characters, numbers, and letters in random order. Though it is tiresome and time-consuming to input complex passwords, it can significantly reduce security breaches.
That's A Wrap
Securing an eCommerce platform against online attacks can be a complex task. But following the measures stated above can significantly simplify the process. In addition, you should not have to wait for an attack to occur before you stop a security plan for your platform.