Wed May 30 2018
Recursive Factorial
C Programming1737 views
File Name: factorial-recursion.c
int factorial(int);
int main() {
long int no, f = 1;
printf("Calculate Factorial\n");
printf("Enter a number:\n");
scanf("%ld", &no);
/* If the given number is not zero then factorial calculation start */
if(no != 0) {
/* Call factorial function by passing integer value and receive result in 'f' variable */
f = factorial(no);
printf("Factorial: %ld\n", f);
/* If the given number is zero then factorial will be one */
printf("Factorial: 1\n");
return 0;
/* Recursive function */
int factorial(int no) {
if(no == 1)
return 1;
/* Call the factorial function inside in it */
return(no * factorial(no - 1));
/* Output */
Calculate Factorial
Enter a number:
Factorial: 120