Wed Jun 27 2018

jQuery vs Angular

Angular vs JQuery

JQuery and Angular, one being a Javascript library and other the Javascript framework is in tough competition. This is one of the most common comparative studies between the library and the framework. It's important to choose the right framework for a specific application development that can meet the requirements of a developer more precisely. And choosing the right ones for the project can be a daunting task. That’s why, here, we are going to differentiate between jQuery and Angular to help you make the decision which one is better for you to work in case of JavaScript.

To find out which is better -  Angular or jQuery, let’s define what both are in general.


JQuery is a JavaScript library that allows developers to write less, do more. JQuery offers a very mature and efficient way of querying, accessing, and modifying elements in Document Object Model (DOM) and simplifies things such as event handling, animation, and Ajax. It's easy to integrate with third-party technologies and this expands its application area. With HTML5 and CSS3, a developer can easily achieve custom-made user interface for his/her mobile application. It has an extensive repository of plugins created by its large community. The latest version of JQuery features a lightweight code base, which helps optimize the speed.

Features of JQuery

  • HTML/DOM manipulation,

  • Easy to develop, if you understand HTML(HTML5) you will have a pretty good understanding of jQuery Mobile

  • CSS manipulation

  • Excellent 3rd party support, what through knowledge what through plugins

  • HTML event methods

  • Easy to debug

  • Better for mobile web applications

  • Effects and animations,

  • AJAX and other utilities

  • Official documentation


Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework sponsored and maintained by Google. The aim of Angular is to bring the tools and capabilities that have been available only for server-side development to the web client and, in doing so, make it easier to develop, test, and maintain rich and complex web applications. After the most awaited official release of Angular, the popularity of the framework has reached a new level in today’s time. It extends HTML by custom elements, attributes, directives. Directives which are markers on a DOM element that tell the Angular HTML compiler to attach a special behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children. It also includes something called jQLite, which is a simplified version of jQuery.

Features of Angular

  • Good documentation

  • Two-way data binding between views and models, which eliminates DOM manipulation

  • Built-in templating engine

  • The cut-down version of jQuery is called jqLite

  • As Angular supports caching and many other processes, it means the server performs extremely well

  • MVC pattern support that helps to divide the application into three distinct areas such as - the data or model, the logic that operates on that data (controller), and the logic that displays the data

  • Dependency management

  • It uses directives that keep HTML pages and scripts mess-free and extremely organized.

  • Deep-link routing that allows the state of the application to be encoded in the URL so it can then be restored to the same state

  • Built-in services for RESTful server communication.

Now, let’s differentiate between Angular and jQuery

  • JQuery is a library. And on the other hand Angular is a framework.

  • JQuery is the best that can offer an open structure platform, where developers can work freely. On the other hand, Angular is much of a structured and organised Javascript framework.

  • Since 2006, jQuery has been manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model) with Javascript. Angular is comparatively a new framework. It was introduced to the market in 2009.

  • Angular gave developers a powerful methodology to create a single page application (SPAs). Whereas a developer is working with Angular he can make use of the jQuery plugins to approach with his work smoothly.

  • JQuery has no binding structures, developers have full freedom to build a project as they wish.

  • Jquery doesn’t support two-way data binding. But Angular supports two-way data binding.

  • Angular much uses of Dependency Injection (DI), where JQuery doesn’t use Dependency Injection.

  • JQuery can be used on any website or web application. Angular is mostly used for Single Page Applications (SPA).

  • Angular came with RESTful API whereas we don't have that in jQuery.

  • Angular supports the MVC pattern whereas jQuery doesn't.

  • Deep Linking Routing is supported by Angular whereas jQuery doesn't.

  • The Angular file size is quite heavier than that of the jQuery file size.

  • Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML, though JSON is used far more often than XML these days. JSONP is JSON with Padding. Both of these are a way to transfer data between the client and another server, without refreshing the page. Both Angular and jQuery provide easy access to this feature, Angular through its `$http` module, and jQuery through the `$.ajax()` function.

  • Angular requires an additional library (ngAnimate), where as jQuery has direct access to the .animate() function.

  • If you want to build a website, jQuery is enough without Angular. And if you want to build a web application, need to go with Angular.


And lastly, we can say that Angular or jQuery each one has its place in the sun. Both play a vital role in the front-end development. We can see new versions of both from time to time. Do not be afraid of changing conditions, choose the right tools to make your way. If you have any shareable experience regarding this topic, then, please feel free to put your thoughts in comments below. If you found this post or article useful then please share along with your friends and help them to learn. Thank you!

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