Mon Apr 08 2019

Wordpress or Angular: which one you should learn in 2019?

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Wordpress or Angular: which one you should learn in 2019?

Since oftentimes technology changes so much that the ideal thing to learn changes from year-to-year. This is especially true if you are in the front-end world, where changes really are happening that quickly. Many, many companies out there hire “full-stack” developers thinking that this is a developer who can simply do anything.

Here we are going to find out the differences between Wordpress and Angular that will help you to decide which one you should learn in 2019.


Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end web application platform led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS. With Angular, you can build the appearance of any webpage or web application, but to store the content, you may also need some RESTful backend server as well.


WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), allows users to build dynamic websites and blogs. WordPress is the most popular blogging system on the web and allows customizing, updating and managing the website from its back-end CMS and components. Content Management System (CMS) -It is software which stores all the data such as text, photos, music, documents etc and made available on our website. It helps in editing, publishing and modifying the content of the website. WordPress was initially released on 27th May 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. WordPress was declared as open source in October 2009.

Angular vs WordPress

  • A large number of clients know the name WordPress. They recognize it as a way to build a website, they understand that they can use it without knowing HTML or anything even resembling code. Agencies can benefit from the client's foreknowledge about WordPress and that means little education is required.

  • Angular has a different expression syntax.

  • In WordPress, there are plugins and integrations and embeddable widgets and services and marketplaces. And all of them in large numbers.

  • The client can take the WordPress website that the development team built to a new development team that has experience with WordPress. There are many development teams familiar with WordPress. So many that it is certain there will be development teams for a long time that can support their WordPress site.

  • Google runs their AdWords and DoubleClick products using Angular. These products are their billion dollar revenue drivers and performance and stability and testability and developer usability and longevity and documentation and code quality are demanded by Google. Angular ships with all of that built-in.

  • WordPress is strong and stable and given a lot of investment by AutoMatic. So clients can sit back knowing that a corporation will be investing in improvements to the core software that their site runs.

  • WordPress has a large and sprawling core of functionality. It means to please the entire planet of website owners  - individuals, enterprises, and everyone in between.

  • In Angular, a modular structure is one whose features can be built/added/removed with clear relationships.

  • In Angular, there is no cruft. As a custom-tailored CMS, the admin panel will include only what you need, and nothing that you don’t. The admin dashboard is easy to navigate and use. It grows as your needs do, but not before.

  • In Angular, the amount of data needed for a download is a key factor in how fast a site will load. Angular Core weighs less than 100kb. The CMS can be deployed on Amazon Web Services Global Infrastructure to enable fast load speeds everywhere in The United States of America but also everywhere on the planet. The site will load fast, everywhere.

  • While Angular is the most popular JavaScript framework, and JavaScript is the most popular programming language among web developers, the Upstate Interactive Angular CMS is new and lacking in broad recognition. Understanding it requires research and consideration above and beyond an established CMS.

  • In Angular, custom database interactions require additional server-side code to be written. The additional code is somewhat “standard” as a result of the most “standard” nature of database interactions.

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