Tue Apr 02 2019
Reasons to use Angular on your next project

Over the past few years, Angular become one of the top players in the web app world. It's hard to imagine the development of a modern single page application without Angular.
Angular was initially introduced by Google corporation in 2012. It was built with the Model-View-Controller concept. The framework, written in pure JavaScript, was intended to decouple an application’s logic from DOM manipulation, and aimed at dynamic page updates. Angular became popular very quickly and received a lot of traction.
If you haven’t tried Angular yet, you’re missing out on why people say JavaScript is the most flexible language in the world. What makes it indispensable is that it is an open source framework that supports highly advanced JavaScript framework and not only increases the effect of HTML but also eases the process of designing right from structuring UI to testing the application.
Angular is the only framework that doesn't make MVC seem like putting lipstick on a pig. Most frameworks nowadays are integrated toolset, but not very elegant. Angular is the next generation framework where each tool was designed to work with every other tool in an interconnected way.
So, looking at its hold and the pace in the development arena, here are the noteworthy reasons why Angular is just the right choice for your next project.
1. Large community - Angular has huge community support. It includes both members of the core development team and those who just stopped by to make some fixes or suggest few improvements for an open-source framework. Angular is immensely popular and there are conferences that are conducted worldwide and also it forms a part of discussions at hackathons and in various IT communities. By choosing Angular you will not only become trendy but also won’t have problems with finding developers for supporting your project.
2. Smart MVC implementation - Most frameworks implement MVC by asking you to split your app into MVC components, then require you to write code to string them up together again. In case of Angular, you need to split your app into MVC components, then just let Angular do the rest. Angular manages your components for you and also serves as the pipeline that connects them.
3. Declarative code style - Angular follows a declarative paradigm for making patterns. Codes are more lightweight and simpler to read. This declarative approach greatly simplifies app development in a sort of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) way.
4. Directives control - HTML is Angular’s pattern language. It is expanded with directives that add into the code information about the necessary behavior. Directives target more on logic and thereby contribute immensely in increasing your output, which can also be reused if you want to enhance code readability.
5. Improved flexibility - Just like directives, filters are standalone functions that distill the data before it reaches the view and can involve something as simple as formatting decimal places on a number. The filters can be utilized in controllers, services, templates, and even directives. These enhance flexibility can help you to tackle an HTML table without any JavaScript.
6. Effective data binding - Angular uses two-way data binding, any changes that you make in user interface affects the application objects and vice versa. When a framework is faced with browser events, module changes and user controls on the page, it automatically updates the requisite patterns.
7. Ease for parallel development - Talking of large projects where multiple key functions are required, Angular gives the option to the developers to write and test code separately in parallel. The difference of the directives from the app code makes it easy for the developers to focus on the same code base at a given time.
8. Ready-made advantage - Angular keeps ready-made solutions at your service to solve a variety of tasks instantly. There are several modules for routing, but UI-router is the most preferred one or you can choose UI-grid and ng-table while creating tables. As Angular doesn't restrict you with a particular project structure, you are allowed to make applications with a different structure.
9. Save lots of time - Angular enables fast development time. By using the right methodology, you can use Angular even for creating big applications.
10. Backed by Google - This one may seem obvious, but it's important to remember that many frameworks are made by hobbyists in the open source community. But, Angular is built and maintained by dedicated Google engineers.
11. It’s JavaScript - Angular is built with TypeScript, which in turn relies on JS ES6. You don’t need to learn a totally new language, but you still receive features like static typing, interfaces, classes, namespaces, decorators etc.
12. Command Line Interface (CLI) - Angular CLI is a command line interface which is provided by the Angular framework via Node Package Manager (NPM). It’s easy to create angular projects using the command line and it is done within minutes with working app, which is already present, to begin development on.
13. RxJS - RxJS, a reactive programming library, aimed at handling asynchronous data with multiple events. It basically allows engineers to set up multiple channels of data exchange to ease resource consumption.
14. Dependency injection - Dependencies define how different pieces of code interact with each other and how the changes in one component impact the other ones. Usually, dependencies are directly defined in components themselves. So that every change in dependency requires changing components as well. With Angular, you could use injectors that defined dependencies as external elements decoupling components from their dependencies. Dependency injection made components more reusable, easier to manage and test.
15. Modularity - A module has related components, directives, pipes, and services grouped together. These modules can be combined with one another to create an application. Modules also offer several benefits. One of them is lazy-loading, that is, one or more application features can be loaded on demand. If properly used, lazy-loading can increase the efficiency of an application a lot. Enterprise applications can grow very large, and hence dividing the labor across multiple teams could be challenging. With modules, the code can be kept organized and division of labor can be done properly while maintaining the code consistency.
16. Cross Platform - Angular can be used for web development. Native mobile applications can be built using Angular. Such applications have high performance and can work offline as well. Angular can be used to create desktop-installed applications for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
You can be sure that you're dealing with efficient and reliable code that will scale with your project. If you're looking for a framework with a solid foundation, Angular is your best choice!