Wed Nov 28 2018

How python can change the world?

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How python can change the world?

Now, there is no secret that Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages. For the past few years, Python has held the number one position as the “Most Popular Coding Language.”

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. It has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales.

Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural, and has a large and comprehensive standard library. Python interpreters are available for many operating systems. CPython, the reference implementation of Python, is open source software and has a community-based development model, as do nearly all of Python's other implementations. Python and CPython are managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.

This language was Created by Guido van Rossum. Though it was first released in 1991, it actually conceived in the late 1980s. After three decades, his invention has overtaken almost all of its rivals and brought coding to the fingertips of people who were once baffled by it. In the past 12 months, most programmers have searched for Python on Google. The number of queries has trebled since 2010, while those for other major programming languages have been flat or declining.

In July 2018, Van Rossum stepped down as the leader in the language community after 30 years.

The language has two main advantages - its simplicity and flexibility. Its straightforward syntax and use of indented spaces make it easy to learn, read and share. Its avid practitioners, known as Pythonistas, have uploaded 145,000 custom-built software packages to an online repository. These cover everything from game development to astronomy and can be installed and inserted into a Python program in a matter of seconds. This versatility means that the Central Intelligence Agency has used it for hacking, Google for crawling web pages, Pixar for producing movies and Spotify for recommending songs. Some of the most popular packages harness “machine learning”, by crunching large quantities of data to pick out patterns that would otherwise be imperceptible.

Supports of Python

  • Python also offers many choices for web development. Frameworks such as Django and Pyramid. Micro-frameworks such as Flask and Bottle. Advanced content management systems such as Plone and Django CMS.

  • Python's standard library supports many Internet protocols: HTML and XML, JSON, Email processing. Support for FTP, IMAP, and other Internet protocols. Easy-to-use socket interface.

  • And the Package Index has yet more libraries. Such as - Requests (a powerful HTTP client library), BeautifulSoup (an HTML parser that can handle all sorts of oddball HTML), Feedparser for parsing RSS/Atom feeds, Paramiko (implementing the SSH2 protocol), Twisted Python (a framework for asynchronous network programming).

Uses of Python

  • Python is perfect for machine learning, complex data analysis, and visualization.

  • Python is used in many application domains. This language is widely used in scientific and numeric computing.

  • This language can be used for complex software applications. Uses of Python also helps in accessing the database easily. Python helps in customizing the interfaces of different databases like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and other databases.

  • SciPy is a collection of packages for mathematics, science, and engineering.

  • Pandas is a data analysis and modeling library.

  • IPython is a powerful interactive shell that features easy editing and recording of a work session and supports visualizations and parallel computing.

  • The Software Carpentry Course teaches basic skills for scientific computing, running boot camps and providing open-access teaching materials.

  • Python is a superb language for teaching programming, both at the introductory level and in more advanced courses. This language is often used as a support language for software developers, for build control and management, testing, and in many other ways. SCons for build control. Buildbot and Apache Gump for automated continuous compilation and testing. Roundup or Trac for bug tracking and project management.

  • Python is also used to build ERP and e-commerce systems.

  • Odoo is an all-in-one management software that offers a range of business applications that form a complete suite of enterprise management applications.

  • Tryton is a three-tier high-level general purpose application platform.


More and more programmers are using Python and it’s considered as the fastest-growing major programming language.

Even, Python has been growing rapidly in the last few years in high-income countries such as United States, Germany, United Kingdom and Canada (and many other countries which make huge contributions to the global software development ecosystem like India, Brazil, Russia, and China as well).

Its characteristic feature is that within a single package there is everything you need to build a web application, from low- to high-end. It’s worth to add that such popular web applications as Google, Instagram, YouTube, and even Quora use Python!

In the O’Reilly 2016 Data Science Salary Survey, 54% of the respondents indicated using Python in the data science industry (Compare with the 2015 Data Science Salary Survey, where 51% of the respondents indicated the use of Python in their daily working lives). In this area, Python competes with R, a language and environment that were specifically built for statistical computing and graphics.

In short, Python has increased and built out the number of packages for data science over the past years and the ease with which you can learn this language and the fact that Python is a general-purpose language certainly explain why Python is popular among aspiring and more seasoned data scientists.

Real-time applications

  • Python can be used to develop different applications like web applications, graphic user interface based applications, software development application, scientific and numeric applications, network programming, Games and 3D applications and other business applications. It makes an interactive interface and easy development of applications.

  • Python is widely used on the server side. This of course mostly includes web apps, though other kinds of servers exist. Some keywords to google are Django, Pyramid, Zope, Twisted.

  • Python is rather widely used for scripting. This includes various testing/building/deployment/monitoring frameworks, scientific apps, and just quick scripts.

  • Python is rather widely used as embedded language. See e.g. Maya, Blender, various games.

  • Few desktop apps are commercially developed in Python. Open-source desktop apps are written in Python.

  • Tecplot, a popular visualization package uses python for internal scripting. Rhinoceros 3d, a NURBS modeling solution uses it also.

  • Dropbox was written in Python and like vartec said it is a general-purpose language.

  • Python can also be used for report generation, deployment scripting, and numerical processing in scientific and graphical applications.

  • Python Django framework supports the use of human-readable website URLs, which isn’t only helpful from the actual user’s perspective but also to search engines, which use the keywords in the URL when ranking sites.

  • Now, most of the SEO team use Django.

  • Python is the second most used language in the world according to Github.

  • Python is used for Machine Learning as well: fingerprints identification, predicting stocks or spam detection, It is also used for Browser Automation. Actually, you use selenium with Python to automate your browser to do social media posts.

  • The computer program is written in python to beat Python. The algorithm helps in providing more personalized treatment to the patients by pinpointing important variations in a single cancer cell. So, Python can be used to save lives as well.

  • Netflix is using Python for automation and monitoring tools. Netflix also uses it to make sure that movies stream without stopping.

  • Python is an ideal programming language for all financial companies. Widespread across the investment banking and hedge fund industry, banks use Python to solve quantitative problems for Pricing, risk management, trade management etc.

  • Several IT giants, as well as the IT infrastructure of major organizations, rely heavily on Python. These groups include NASA, JP Morgan, Google, Yahoo!, Disney, Nokia, and Mozilla among many others.

And as long as these companies and organizations exist, there will always be a demand for Python web developers. Python can be used by everyone from beginners to experienced programmers, big companies or startups.



Hope, we explained beautifully that how Python programming can able to change the world. And have enough reasons to learn Python.

So, if you’re interested in learning Python, don’t wait, just go for it.

What do you think about Python? Share your experiences with us in the comment section. Thank you!


Photograph by Wright Studio

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