Sun Jun 19 2022
15 Hacker Types + Protection Tips for 2022

The internet has given us advancements in innovation and commerce such as cryptocurrency, NFTs, and smart homes. However, the downside of technological ingenuity is the types of hackers that pollute the web with cybercrimes affecting businesses and people's lives.
Luckily, while they have been perfecting their hacking tactics, we’ve also spent time adapting to protect you. Check out this guide to be aware of the 15 types of hackers including their objectives and reasons for hacking.
15 Types of Hackers
Combating cyberattacks starts with an understanding of who is behind the screen. This simple breakdown of hacker characteristics will educate you on their background experience, motivations for obtaining personal data, and who their actions could be impacting.
1. Black Hat Hackers
A black hat is a stereotypical cybercriminal who works endlessly to hack into personal devices and networks to steal sensitive data from files to online banking information. They are professionals in using ransomware, spyware, and more cyberattacks to locate the information they’re after and sell it.
Motivation + Goal: Steal personal information to threaten or make a profit.
Potential Targets: Everyday people and businesses.
2. White Hat Hackers
Having the same skills as a black hat, white hat hackers differ in intentions. They strive for security flaws to assist everyday citizens, governments, and businesses to dodge cyberattacks.
As an example, a business might experience system crashes, reduced speed, or other network problems. The company may hire a white hat hacker to catch potential security flaws that could allow hackers to cause these issues. That way zero time is spent on upgrading the whole network.
Motivation + Goal: Catch security flaws that ill-intentioned hackers could take advantage of.
Potential Targets: Black hat hackers.
3. Red Hat Hackers
Red hat hackers are similar to white hat hackers but instead, they recover what was stolen to give to those in need. They do not catch and prevent black hat hackers but actually retrieve personal property or information and are referred to as the "Robin Hoods of hacking".
Motivation + Goal: To stop black hat hacker cyberattacks.
Potential Targets: Black hat hackers.
4. Gray Hat Hackers
Gray Hat Hackers are known as “just for fun” hackers who find joy in spotting cracks in security networks and might let the network know they found these openings. Since they view it as a hobby, others find it frustrating because gray hat hackers hack private networks without authorization.
Motivation + Goal: Hack private networks to catch security flaws and/or prevent other cyber threats.
Potential Victims: Everyday people and businesses.
5. Green Hat Hackers
Think of green hat hackers as “trainees” who will evolve into the next black hat hackers. They spend hours improving their skills by learning from a full-fledged hacker in the hopes of replacing them.
Motivation + Goal: Locate a hacker that can mentor them to eventually become a black hat hacker.
Potential Victims: Everyday users and businesses.
6. Blue Hat Hackers
Before a company decides to update its systems, it will hire a blue hat hacker to lower the risk of cyberattacks. The business will give access to the blue hacker beforehand so they can test for defects.
Motivation + Goal: Check software for security flaws before an organization commits to updating its systems.
Potential Victims: Black hat hackers
7. Script Kiddies
Lacking the same skills as a black hat hacker, script kiddies will take the easy route and copy existing malware. Using work from professional hackers, script kiddies prefer to repeat damage versus learning how to make their own malware.
Motivation + Goal: Breaks into personal devices to make a profit from stolen information by using malware from black hat hackers.
Potential Victims: Businesses and everyday users.
8. Elite Hackers
As the most skilled, elite hackers have the experience level to choose whether they want to become white or black hackers. This versatility allows them to quickly identify and/or create the most up-to-date cyber attack tactics.
Motivation + Goal: Steal important information and compromise complex networks to profit from or fix any corporate wrongs.
Potential Victims: Businesses and everyday users
9. Game Hackers
Using the newest video game technologies, gaming hackers persuade players into revealing payment information, login credentials, and other personal data connected to their accounts.
Motivation + Goal: Making a profit from stolen data by manipulating gamers into sharing personal information.
Potential Victims: Online gamers
10. Botnet Hackers
Botnet hackers, use precoded minions (botnets) to make cyberattacks. Botnets conduct malicious tasks from taking full control of your computer to stealing sensitive files.
Motivation + Goals: Contaminate devices with botnets to take and/or control personal information to use or profit from on the dark web.
Potential Victims: Businesses and everyday users.
11. Cryptojackers
Taking advantage of the freshness of the market, cryptojackers perform cryptocurrency scams. These scams are illegal appeals for cryptocurrency payments in exchange for investments, phony goods, or services.
Motivation + Goal: Compromise digital wallet credentials and/or rob from cryptocurrency owners.
Potential Victims: Cryptocurrency fanatics
12. Whistleblowers
Despite lacking a lot of experience, whistleblowers expose corporate criminal activity even if they work for that company. They attempt to reveal white-collar crimes that affect innocent people.
Motivation + Goal: Exploit or uncover personal data connected to corporate corruption.
Potential Victims: Deceptive individuals or businesses.
13. Nation or state-sponsored Hackers
Employed by government agencies, nation or state-sponsered hackers obtain confidential information from foreign nations to assist with managing potential and current threats.
Motivation + Goal: Hack into secret international systems under the direction of government organizations.
Potential Victims: International government agencies.
14. Cyberterrorists
Using their advanced hacking skills, cyberterrorists disrupt information systems to bring awareness to their political cause. These cybercriminals jeopardize the physical safety and life of others.
Motivation + Goal: Bringing attention to political causes with vicious cyberattacks.
Potential Victims: Nations and everyday users.
15. Malicious Insiders
Opposite to whistleblowers, malicious insiders intentionally break into their own company systems to manipulate confidential data for personal financial gain. They put the company and its customers at risk by pinching corporate information and selling to an interested buyer.
Motivation + Goal: To take advantage and/or uncover personal company data for personal profit.
Potential Victims: Businesses
Tactics for Hacking Protection
Now that you are aware of the types of online hackers, let’s get you going on cyber safety preparation. To put you one step ahead, we created a list of tips to help you protect your data before it’s too late.
Guard Personal Information
Combat script kiddies, black hat, elite, and other hackers from stealing information by avoiding inputting data (address or phone numbers) on online profiles. If you need to send private information through email/online correspondence, keep track of who has permission to view such details.
Avoid Public Wi-Fi
Public Wi-Fi networks that are unprotected are used by green hat hackers to infect devices with various forms of malware. Try to use secure networks with “https” in the URL and security badges.
Consider a VPN
Encrypt your online activity with a VPN that prohibits tracking of your IP address and browsing history. This prevents hackers from using adware and spyware to steal data.
Secure Your Passwords
Try to use a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols in your passwords to make them stronger against black hat, green hat, and gaming hackers. They will try password spraying and credential stuffing to crack passwords and steal information.
Learning about the different types of hackers and tips to protect yourself, will prepare you for a safe and fun online experience in 2022. Check out our infographic below for additional tips on how to avoid different online hackers.