Wed Jul 28 2021
Palindrome Number
Python Programming1800 views
File Name:
#!/usr/bin/evn python
# Take input from the user
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
temp = num
pnum = 0
# While loop to continue the process until 'temp' reach to '0'
while(temp != 0):
pnum = temp % 10 + pnum * 10
# 'temp' divided 10
temp //= 10
if num == pnum:
print('%d is a palindrome number' %num)
print('%d is not a palindrome number' %num)
#***** Output *****
# Enter a number: 12321
# 12321 is a palindrome number
# Enter a number: 4654856
# 4654856 is not a palindrome number