Sun Aug 08 2021
List Data Structure
Python Programming1288 views
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#!/usr/bin/evn python
listData = ['Lion', 'Eagle', 'Penguin', 2017, 2018];
print ("Values in the list", listData)
listData.insert(3, 'Parrot')
print ("After insering value at 4th posting in the list", listData)
listData.append( 'Pigeon')
print ("After append value in the list", listData)
listData[3] = 'Tiger';
print ("After value update of 4th position in the list", listData)
del listData[0]
print ("After deleting value in the list", listData)
# ***** Output *****
# Values in the list ['Lion', 'Eagle', 'Penguin', 2017, 2018]
# After insering value at 4th posting in the list ['Lion', 'Eagle', 'Penguin', 'Parrot', 2017, 2018]
# After append value in the list ['Lion', 'Eagle', 'Penguin', 'Parrot', 2017, 2018, 'Pigeon']
# After value update of 4th position in the list ['Lion', 'Eagle', 'Penguin', 'Tiger', 2017, 2018, 'Pigeon']
# After deleting value in the list ['Eagle', 'Penguin', 'Tiger', 2017, 2018, 'Pigeon']