Thu Sep 05 2024
Add Background Image Using Custom Tailwind CSS Configuration
Tailwind CSS is a popular utility-first CSS framework that simplifies the process of styling your web elements. In the case of designing a website or web application, one of the common tasks is adding background images to elements, and Tailwind makes this very straightforward with custom configuration. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to add a background image using Tailwind CSS custom configuration, as well as explain some useful Tailwind classes that can help you customize the image behavior.
Step 1: Configuration for Background Images
You can define your image path using url() in tailwind.config file. You need to add the image inside the backgroundImage section.
backgroundImage: {
bannerImg: "url('/travel-banner.jpg')",
Step 2: Use The Class Names in Your HTML
You can add your image with bg utility class then mentioning your image class name.
<section className="bg-bannerImg">
Step 3: Add Background Image Properties with Tailwind Classes
After the background image is set, you can control how it behaves using a few key utility classes provided by Tailwind CSS.
<section className="bg-bannerImg bg-repeat bg-cover bg-bottom">
1. Background Repeat
By default, the background image might repeat if it's smaller than the container. You can control this with Tailwind's bg-repeat classes.
bg-no-repeat: Prevents the image from repeating.
bg-repeat: Repeats the image in both directions.
bg-repeat-x: Repeats the image only on the horizontal axis.
bg-repeat-y: Repeats the image only on the vertical axis.
2. Background Size
You can also control the image aspect ratio using background size utilities.
bg-cover: Scales the background image to cover the entire container while maintaining the aspect ratio.
bg-contain: Scales the background image to fit within the container, without stretching it.
3. Background Position
You can control the position of the background image using the bg-position utilities.
bg-top: Positions the image at the top.
bg-center: Centers the background image.
bg-bottom: Aligns the image at the bottom.
4. Background Attachment
Tailwind allows you to control whether the background image scrolls with the content or is fixed in place.
bg-fixed: Fixes the background image.
bg-scroll: The background image scrolls with the page.
Adding a background image to your website or web application is fast and easy with the help of Tailwind CSS. Tailwind offers a range of utilities that allow you to control how the background behaves, without needing to write custom CSS from scratch. Whether you're setting background size, positioning, repeating, even attachment. Tailwind simplifies the entire process and helps you to design responsive and visually appealing elements with minimal effort.

File Name: tailwind.config.ts
import type { Config } from "tailwindcss";
const config: Config = {
content: [
theme: {
colors: {
white: "#fff",
darkGray: "#4d4d4d",
green: "#00C165",
black: "#000",
extend: {
backgroundImage: {
bannerImg: "url('/travel-banner.jpg')",
"linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0.8) 100%)",
plugins: [],
export default config;
File Name: page.tsx
import PackageDetails from "@/components/packageDetails";
import { Package } from "@/models/package";
import Image from "next/image";
import traveler from "../../public/traveler.jpg";
import Gallery from "@/components/gallery";
import Testimonials from "@/components/testimonial";
import ContactForm from "@/components/contactForm";
import Header from "@/components/header";
const packages = [
bgImg: "venice.jpg",
name: "City of Canal",
location: "Venice",
price: "$1230.00",
bgImg: "moscow.jpg",
name: "The Heritage City",
location: "Moscow",
price: "$1430.00",
bgImg: "paris.jpg",
name: "City of Love",
location: "Paris",
price: "$1030.00",
bgImg: "mumbai.jpg",
name: "City of Dreams",
location: "Mumbai",
price: "$830.00",
bgImg: "tokyo.jpg",
name: "City of Anime",
location: "Tokyo",
price: "$2830.00",
bgImg: "beijing.jpg",
name: "The Forbidden City",
location: "Beijing",
price: "$1930.00",
const Home = () => {
return (
<Header />
className="bg-bannerImg bg-no-repeat bg-cover bg-bottom"
<div className="w-full h-screen flex items-end bg-blackOverlay">
<div className="container mx-auto mb-40 px-4">
<h1 className="text-white uppercase text-5xl md:text-6xl lg:text-7xl font-bold">
Never Stop
<br />
Exploring World
<p className="text-white w-full max-w-2xl my-8 text-base md:text-lg">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Obcaecati
facilis enim laboriosam iste doloribus blanditiis illo veniam fuga
vitae architecto, laborum debitis sequi, ducimus repellendus
reprehenderit fugit assumenda deserunt distinctio!
className="bg-green text-white uppercase font-semibold px-6 py-3 rounded-md transition-all inline-block hover:scale-105"
Get Started
<section id="packages" className="py-20">
<div className="container mx-auto px-4">
<h2 className="text-4xl md:text-5xl lg:text-6xl font-bold text-darkGray mb-3 uppercase">
<span className="inline-block bg-green w-20 sm:w-40 h-1 ml-2"></span>
<p className="text-sm text-darkGray w-full max-w-[750px]">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim porro
ullam laboriosam nesciunt tenetur perspiciatis praesentium illum
ducimus distinctio aut eos commodi, sit a incidunt!
<div className="flex flex-wrap mt-8">
{ Package, i: number) => {
return <PackageDetails key={i} pkgInfo={pkg} />;
<section className="bg-[url('/tea-garden.jpg')] bg-cover bg-fixed bg-no-repeat bg-center">
<div className="bg-black bg-opacity-70 py-20">
<div className="container mx-auto flex flex-wrap px-4">
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className="w-10 h-10 fill-white mx-auto"
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<h3 className="text-white font-semibold text-4xl leading-none mt-4">
<br />
<small className="text-sm font-medium tracking-widest">
Happy Traveler
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viewBox="0 0 50 50"
className="w-10 h-10 fill-white mx-auto"
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<h3 className="text-white font-semibold text-4xl leading-none mt-4">
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Travel & Tourism
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<h3 className="text-white font-semibold text-4xl leading-none mt-4">
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<small className="text-sm font-medium tracking-widest">
Travel Vlog
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viewBox="0 0 50 50"
className="w-10 h-10 fill-white mx-auto"
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