Thu Dec 05 2019
Template Class
C++ Programming1163 views
File Name: template-class.cpp
using namespace std;
template <class temp>
class arraySum {
int size;
/* 'temp' type list */
temp *list;
arraySum(temp *a) {
list = a;
/* Get size of the array */
size = (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a));
/* 'temp' type binary operator overloading */
temp operator+(arraySum &array) {
temp result=0;
for(int i = 0; i <= size; i++)
result += this->list[i] + array.list[i];
return result;
int main() {
int a[3] = {1,2,3};
int b[3] = {4,5,6};
/* integer type 'arraySun' object */
arraySum <int> array1(a);
arraySum <int> array2(b);
/* perform sum of two integer array using binary operator overloading */
int isum = array1 + array2;
cout << "Sum of two integer array: " << isum << endl;
float x[3] = {1.11,2.43,3.01};
float y[3] = {4.95,5.21,6.59};
/* float type 'arraySun' object */
arraySum <float> array3(x);
arraySum <float> array4(y);
/* perform sum of two float array using binary operator overloading */
float fsum = array3 + array4;
cout << "Sum of two float array: " << fsum << endl;
return 0;
/* Output */
Sum of two integer array: 21
Sum of two float array: 23.3
Template in C++