Thu Dec 26 2019
C++ Programming1238 views
File Name: multimap.cpp
using namespace std;
int main() {
/* Declare multimap */
multimap <string, string> contact;
/* Multimap iterator */
multimap <string, string> :: iterator p;
/* Insert data */
contact.insert(pair<string, string>("Jonh", "5500-1100-1212"));
contact.insert(pair<string, string>("Sam", "1222-5555-6666"));
contact.insert(pair<string, string>("Jonh", "4441-4545-6565"));
contact.insert(pair<string, string>("James", "6532-5544-8787"));
contact.insert(pair<string, string>("Ram", "9475-987-2465"));
string srch = "Jonh";
/* Search data */
p = contact.find(srch);
if(p != contact.end())
cout << "Contact no of " << srch << " is " << p->second << endl;
cout << "Contact not found!" << endl;
/* Erase data */
cout << "Contact Deleted!" << endl;
/* Display all elements */
for (p = contact.begin(); p != contact.end(); p++)
cout << "Name: " << p->first << "\t"<< "Phone No: " << p->second << endl;
return 0;
/* Output */
Contact no of Jonh is 5500-1100-1212
Contact Deleted!
Name: James Phone No: 6532-5544-8787
Name: Ram Phone No: 9475-987-2465
Name: Sam Phone No: 1222-5555-6666
Multimap in C++